Student Story with Samantha Stockdale

Samantha Stockdale both graduated from and works for Lewis & Clark Law School, which means that she’s an expert insider when it comes to the student experience. Her trajectory took her by surprise – though she never expected to become so interested in and integral to the Environmental Law program at Lewis & Clark, she’s very thankful it happened the way it did!

Samantha Stockdale Profile

Lewis & Clark Student to Assistant Director

Samantha completed her undergraduate degree in economics, specializing in environmental economics and sustainable business. After graduation, Samantha worked in admissions at her alma mater, Hendrix College, which fueled her interest in accessible further education. In 2019 she transitioned to the role of Assistant Dean of Admissions at Lewis & Clark College and decided to pursue a master’s degree in environmental law in 2021 very close to home, at the law school. Though she felt she wasn’t as well suited for the traditional path of a lawyer, she was passionate about pursuing additional education in the legal work closely related to her past education in environmentalism and sustainability. 


She went from her undergraduate admissions role to the Program Coordinator of the Environmental Law program in 2022, while completing her MSL. Her next, and current, position was back in admissions as the Assistant Director of Admissions at the Law School. ”I realized that with the background I now had with the MSL, in addition to my experience in undergraduate admissions, I had this very unique and niche set of skills that would benefit the admissions role at the law school level in new and innovative ways. It just felt like an organic and natural shift,” she says.


The experience she had as a student reframed what she already knew about marketing and data, making her even more confident and proficient as Assistant Director. “The Assistant Director position fits my interests and passions in law and education, and I still get to feel connected to the law school and give back to the education that gave me so much,” she explains.


Admissions and Accommodations

Before enrolling in the MSL program, Samantha wasn’t entirely sure the direction the degree would take her career, but she did know that she “had this drive to broaden that interest I had in environmentalism and sustainability outside of just economics. “I think the online component sealed the deal in my enrollment, as it was one of the only programs flexible enough where I could actively work and pursue an MSL, too,” she says. 


In her admissions job, she’d spend plenty of time on the road or traveling out of state, “so being part of an online program that offered flexibility around my job was really pivotal.” The admissions process was fluid, seamless, and accommodating to each student’s unique needs. Now that she herself works in law admissions, she makes sure to keep it that way for prospective and incoming students.


Another thing Samantha appreciated about the program was the professors. “They had an understanding of my busy schedule and the coursework time commitments.” Samantha would have conversations directly with her professors to negotiate deadlines around her professional engagements, perhaps working ahead one week to make up for a particularly intense upcoming week. “They were always very accommodating,” she acknowledges. On her end, “personal accountability was what made it sustainable to complete the program in a timely manner.” 


Discussion Boards and Diverse Experiences

The online curriculum design not only fostered flexibility, but kept her engaged and involved. Discussion boards were some of the most beneficial, especially in the online environment. “I distinctly remember these different discussions happening organically between students who were located across the world,” she recalls. “It was always interesting to see the back-and-forth and diversity of their knowledge of topics, recognizing that their fellow students had individual and unique experiences, environments, and exposures to these global issues.”


She grew to appreciate these discussions immensely and found that “it didn’t matter if we had differences. We wanted to know how these differences had shaped and driven our opinions, recognizing that we all had come to the program to pursue this education for a reason. Seeing those different reflections and perspectives was really eye-opening, and it was always fascinating that any discourse that happened was immediately resolved due to the level of respect we all had for each other and the subject.”


Connections and Support

In the online setting, there still were (and are!) plenty of opportunities to connect with colleagues and students for both gathering and networking. Samantha says that “There were virtual events tailored specifically to the MSL and LLM students, and we had access to all resources Lewis & Clark Law offers the students on campus. I always kept the website events page bookmarked, because the law school does a great job of providing recordings or other virtual alternatives to many of their larger on-campus events related to the environmental law program as well.” But also, it never felt forced or required. Smaller community engagement get-togethers, like barbecues with vegan hotdog options, also contributed to connecting.


Between her admissions job and her Lewis & Clark Law program experience, Samantha has become even more motivated to welcome in the next generation of law students who have that same drive and interest, and aren’t afraid of constructive interpersonal discourse. “The Lewis & Clark mission is ingrained in all the work I do.” 


Your Career Catalyst

Samantha was as a student, and remains as a director, a true advocate for the Environmental Law MSL. “What can this MSL do for you? How can it further your career? It’s one of those programs that’s new and innovative. It really catches the eye of a lot of law professionals right now, but it also translates so much further than just law … you don’t have to have a whole life plan spelled out.” 


“This program is a catalyst that can shift and change the direction of your career as long as you’re open to and welcoming of that shift. You are learning from individuals who are at the top of their field and who are the kindest people you will ever work with, who will help guide you to whatever that next stop may be.” As long as you’re passionate about the environment, “this program can be the catalyst for what you’re looking to do.”